Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"Beware of the man that does not talk and the dog that does not bark"

Finn is like an idiom. More specifically, the idiom: 'one step forward, two steps back'. Half-pint tends to be an over-achiever by circumstance, not nature or will. So when last Saturday (October, 27th) rolled around, I was more than surprised when he took a jump forward...and then back-tracked a gigantic leap (you'll notice I rarely ever updates on the days things tend to actually happen. My apologies. My slow mind needs time to process occurrences). 

Keith, my sneaky brother (older than me by a year), got me a job four years ago at the same place he works. We have managed car-pulling every weekend when our schedule coincides (car-pulling as in: he drives me to work. I don't drive) because it's an easier commute for him. Our parent's house is closer to our work so he usually spends the weekend with the family before heading to his apartment for another week. And while I love my brother (though he sometimes greatly annoys me as I'm sure I do on his end of the spectrum) Finn...doesn't really care for him on...well...any end of any spectrum. 

I guess it's kind of like a knee-jerk reaction for an accusation when you get an abused animal that you're first picture of the person responsible will probably match the stature of a guy like my dad: Tall, broad and burly. Emily drew the same conclusion due to the way Finn acted around her own father. Yet as the weeks spent with Finn continue to mount, a different picture is being painted in my mind. I'll never know for sure what happened to Finn, it's for the best that I don't, but Finn is warming up so much easier to my tall, broad, and burly dad rather than my tall, thin, and lanky brother. 

Every weekend Keith comes to visit, Finn is thrown in to a dither. He turns in to a scared little boy who has no qualms about wetting himself in favor of safety. Often, he refuses to exit the crate when my brother is over. I end up feeling bad not only for Finn, but for my brother. He's trying his best to be understanding and to get Finn on his good side, but he's only around for the weekends and the hours spent at home for that time is minimal. We've discussed methods to warm Finn up towards Keith, but there's always a hole in the theory or they are just not adequate enough to make a repeat impression. For now, we've just decided to let Finn take to him on his own, in his own way and maybe as he sees him more, he'll loosen up.

Since there's so much seemingly blocking Finn from harmony with Keith, we've left it alone for the most part. We weren't expecting anything coming out of those two, still really aren't. That why I was shocked at what Finn did when Saturday came. As logic and schedules dictate, Keith came home pretty late that night. Finn had been by my side for a couple of hours here and there. More often than not, he was pouting in my room before voicing his distress of my absence which I've quickly learned to ignore. On his usual pacing route from the safe corner in the living room to my room, Finn heard Keith's car pull in to the driveway, immediately stopping him in his tracks. After a few minutes of silence and hesitant waiting, he dipped his head, as per the usual, and headed toward my room in retreat. Finn then paused in his escape, something telling him to turn back around and stand by me. He took his place by my side, slightly shaking on his stumpy little legs, when he saw my brother's silhouette appear in the semi-transparent curtain at the door. 

And he barked. 

Low and behold, the one who I thought would choose to "forever hold his peace" decided to speak.

Emily once told me, she heard his bark while playing with his ol pal Wrigely (I think that's his name. I'll check later). She said it was a cute, funny bark. But this one was none of the sort. In fact, he barked again and it had me worried enough to reach out and calm him down with a "it's okay." He took that as his cue to retreat in to the safe-corner. 

Victorious in his battle with the lock and door handle, Keith stepped inside looking as surprised as I felt.

Sure, it wasn't playful or happy, but it was a bark. Which to me, is still a step forward for the lil guy. In fact, over much duration and debate, I've come to the conclusion he had decided to "protect" me and that's why he barked. And, that is a big step when you get past the fact that the bark was a bit unwarranted. Since then, he hasn't uttered a sound aside from the all-too-often whining when he wants something and knows he won't get it. 

Today (right this moment) we've started warming him up to my father with treats. He has already stared my father down for two minutes, knowing that it was he who had provided him with a bounty of treats, not tricks. Seeing as today is Halloween, his suspicion is understandable. Unlike me, he doesn't find a reason to whore out what is left of his virtue for what might be as little as a green Gobstopper (I'll leave the chocolate whoring to my brother ;D).

In other news, my hair which is unsure of whether it's an auburn or just a dark brown with slightly red tinting, is finally changing! Yeah, less exciting I know. After years of having it different hues of auburn, I'm attempting to change it to a lighter brown. My co-workers have been waiting for about three months for this. I've talked about it long enough, but haven't found the right methods to achieve this color until now. Well...semi-right color. It's going to be a bit more brassy-hued than it should because I won't be able to successfully rid myself of the red, but...enh...close enough. So, in tribute, here's one more glamor shot with my long time color (who knows, I may only lose it for a day if I don't like the color).

 Yeeeaaah....That's hawt. Well, that's about it for tonight. :D Until next time, I bid you adieu with a lovely snapshot of Artemis in costume.


Em's updated, do her a favor and stop by:

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